Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Stop Your Toddler From Biting There Finger Nails?

She's Almost two and has just started taking up the habit of biting her finger nails. The Problem is with this is she chews them down so far sometimes her fingers start to bleed or cause her pain which makes her cry. Even if I tell her to stop or take her fingers out of her mouth, in seconds there right back in there. So how do I stop this issue?How To Stop Your Toddler From Biting There Finger Nails?
While nail-biting is not always a ';stress'; issue, it sounds to me like your toddler is under more stress than she can handle.

Talk with you pediatrician and see what suggestions he/she might have for you. In the meantime, try to cut down on the stress or over stimulation at home (certain t.v. programs, etc.). Offer your little girl sugar free chewing gum (without swallowing) and give her more games/activities to do that keep her hands busy.

Give her ';dress-up'; gloves to wear and see if this helps some.How To Stop Your Toddler From Biting There Finger Nails?
I started biting my nails around her age, and didn't stop until I was 23. This really will become a problem if it isn't nixed as soon as possible. I stopped by putting Stop The Bite nail polish on mine. It took it a few months, but I've been bite-free for over a year now!
tell her not to, and reward her if she does.
Good Luck- my daughter is 5 and I still can't get her to stop biting. I even put the nail biter stuff on and she just keeps chewing. I bit my nails for years and showed her what they are going to look like if she doesn't stop but nothing works. We paint what little nail she has and she thinks that looks nice but then just keeps chewing. Let me know if you have any progress and I'll watch this question for help for me too!!
The old fasion way...Put some tape on those suckers
I have a 5yr old and he has the same problem. I decided to treat him to a manicure and he loved the fuss I made of his hands and nails. So each time they grow so that he can see the white he begs to cut them with a manicure! He loves the attention and funny enough he is actually growing his nails out.
Go to the local drug store they carry a finger nail polish that is clear and you can put it on the nails and when they bite them it taste really bad. I believe it is called no bite. Its safe and it does work. My mom used to use it on me! Its like a bitter taste! It was grose and it made me stop!
You can always paint her nails and tell her if she doesn't bite them they will stay pretty. I didn't have this option with my son, so when I saw that he was biting his nails I would put a little bit of something that tasted bad (like lemon or lime juice) on his finger tips and when he bit them he didn't like the taste. However, this does ware off and if the nails are too far down it will burn which is not a good idea. I only had to do this once or twice, he got the hint.
there is a thing you can get that you put on her fingers that makes them taste bad...ask your pharmasist about it. but i got to tell you my mom tryed it on me when i was little and it didn't really work. i am still trying to quit biting my nails
my son bit his nails only when he about to start teething a new set of teeth. maybe you can substitute her fingers with some biter biscuits or even a pacificer? another alternetive is to dip her fingers in some vineger or coffee to make the bitter/sour taste deter her from biting them. nailpolish is not advisable as she can chip and swollow them.
they have a clear nail polish that taste really bad, it for thimb sucking but i dont see why it wouldnt work for nail biting
Cut her nails in regular intervals so that she may not find nails to bite...............
my son did this aswell, he also bit his toe nails eww!! when you catch her doing it, just tell her to stop tell her it is yucky and there are germs in her nails that will make her sick. eventually she will grow out of it . . . my son did it for about 3 months then he just stopped. his new thing is picking his nose :(

Good Luck
If you use the stuff that tastes bad make sure she doesn't rub her eyes with it on. It really hurts and is very difficult to rinse out. For my daughter I would take her to the salon to get her nails painted we started this about 2yrs old. She loved getting her nails done with mommy. (most places will do hers for free if mommy is getting them done also) Just be careful that she doesn't eat the nail polish off. Another option is cloth medical tape (band aids pull off to easily and can be a chocking hazard) Put a little tape on the end of each finger (the way you would apply a band aid) It will help soothe sore fingers and make them less sensitive and also not let her get to her nails to bite them.

She might also be getting her molars and want to chew on something. Try giving her some crunchy snacks that will help with the teething like pretzel rods or biter biscuits. If it is teething ice pops might help also. My daughter did this at that age also and it was because she was getting her molars in. Just be careful she doesn't start putting small toys in her mouth again trying to soothe her gums. Good Luck
clip them down as far as they will go.

thats what my dad did to me. and i quit.
I'd ask your dr what he thinks about the bite no more nail polish. I bite my nails when i get really nervous even as an adult (not to where they bleed tho of course) But i wish i could have nixed this habit earlier. I would watch her to see if perhaps she has anxiety or not. The two tend to go together.

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