Cleaning - If nails are dirty, use a bristled nail brush to remove debris from around cuticles or from under fingernails. Remove all polish with nail polish remover; do not pick at polish as that can damage the surface of nails.
Shaping - Nails should be gently filed with a fine emery board, never with a metal file that can cause damage. File in gentle, long strokes from corner to center; do not ';saw away'; at nails. Keep the emery board poised at a 45 degree angle in relation to the fingertip to prevent damaging the nail layers. Do not file deep into corners of the nail; this weakens the nail. In general, shorter nails are easier to maintain.
Protecting - Do not use your nails to scrape or lift anything, or to pull anything open. Wear gloves when washing dishes and use nail and hand lotion daily to keep hands and nails moisturized.
Polishing - You may wish to use only a ridge-filling colorless coat on your nails to give them extra shine and strength. If you polish your nails, use a ridge-filling base coat followed by color and then a protective top coat for the best results. Give your nails at least an hour to dry before using your hands.
But I'm a guy so I don't know that much about it.How do I keep my finger nails from breaking so much?
Chrissy-What the heck are Ridley and Cuthbert thinking answering a question like this? Makes me wonder! Anyway, try soaking them in unflavored gelatin-I've heard that works-Good Luck!
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How do I keep my finger nails from breaking so much?
cut it frequently
put small pieces of garlic in your nail polish bottle and get more protien in your diet.
You have to keep them mosturized! Use oil and oil you ahve in your house even vegetable! Works like a charm!
good question ,,i have the same problem,,but i heard that by going to a professional you can put wraps on them and they become hard..try it
I know when I worked in healthcare I was washing my hands dozens of times a day and my nails flaked and broke easily. Lotion probably would have helped me. So perhaps you wash too often and don't moisturize enough?
My female friends have tried the following: eat Jello, the ingredients allegedly help strengthen nails. Also, when a nail cracks, wick a small bit of superglue into the crack to keep it from breaking further (you'd want to be really careful about this to avoid glueing fingers together or having other misadventures with superglue). I can vouch for that one, having repaired a nail that tore into the quick.
I don't know. Ask Freddy krueger. He has some strong nails.
get some nail harden polish!
drink jello water......ive heard this from my grandmother, and my mother......thats how i
buy nail lotion. %26amp; file or cut your nails often. also always wear nail polish. it helps.
daily night apply almond oil on nails
paint both sides. the top and underneath the nails. it makes them stronger.
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