I'm a Non smoker, non alcoholic, healthy for the most part. I'm just wondering why my fingernails areturning a really light blue color close to my cuticles on both hands.What causes a persons finger nails to turn blue?
It depends alot on your over all health! There are many reasons why ones nails can be blue so I have been told, some reasons are, poor circulation, a heart condition, a pinched never in the arm, if you wear acrilics nail, you may need to subside from them for some time, they be lacking oxygen that way as well!
You need to pay attention to when they are blue, all the time, in the morning hours, night time, after you have eaten, even if you are swelled in the hands. Then if it does not quit or you develope other conditions you should seek out your doctor and fill him in! If they do this at different time or all the time this is good info for your doctor!What causes a persons finger nails to turn blue?
the fingernails turning blue is a sign of hypoxic conditions, meaning, your body is not getting enough oxygen that it needs...do you tire easily? it could be caused by a variety of conditions involving the heart, arteries, lungs or blood... go see your doctor because it could be a seriousn matter...
bad circulation... or a pretty shade of nail polish.
Ask your physician about Raynaud's disease, or Raynauds Phenomenon. Similar names similar disease however one happens for no cause, the other happens with other symptoms. It is caused by vasospasms (constriction) of the small arteries in your hands (arterioles) which decreases the blood supply to your fingers. They usually go through a pattern of turning white, blue, then red but can just turn pale then red. The problem may be made worse by cold weather. Regardless, it could be caused by many other etiologies such as pulmonary (lung) conditions, other circulatory disorders, etc so if it persists you might want to tell your doctor.
loss of circulation.
Are you anorexic by any chance?
you either put nail polish on a lot...
your nails need to breather
or you have fungi!
Best you trot off to the Doctor.
In hospitals you are not allowed to wear nail polish as the Surgens etc need to look at fingernail colours. This also includes lipstick.
Could be oxygen levels or heart problems.
Go to your Doctor.
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