It is hard for me to stop! It is a bad habit. And the worst part is,
my Mom is a Manicurist.... Ouch, huh? Help Please!!!What is a good way to stop chewing my finger nails?
Like any bad habit that took time to get it takes time to break that habit too. I bit my nails for a lot of years down to the point they bled and the only way I stopped was by using this method. Select a nail....i suggest a pinkie nail and let that one grow. You can chew all the others BUT that one. Once that one has grown do the same with another nail but this time let the two of them grow and bite all the others. Once that one has grown too select another...and another after that one...until one day you will only be biting one nail and the rest will be lovely and long. Trust me it will be easy for you to stop then and grow them all long. Even my husband stopped chewing his nails using this method. Don't forget to take advantage of your Mom's talents and have a great manicure every week. Good luck!!What is a good way to stop chewing my finger nails?
get fake nails
There are products at stores like Wal-Mart for about four bucks, it's just like nail polish. It has no odor or anything, it's clear. But whenever you try to bite your nails it taste HORRIBLE and it definitly makes you stop! Also, try to find another GOOD habbit when you're bored. Maybe singing, drawing, getting on the computer... something to keep your mind off of it.
GET THAT stuff that u put on your nails and if u chew your nails it tastes SO DISGUSTING that u nvr want to chew your nails...
At the chemist there are nailpolishs especially for that reason to stop biting nails i would definatly try it, it does work
Quit washing your hands after using the bathroom. That'll keep you from biting your nails.
Rub somethin g that you don't enjoy the taste of on your nails to stopp the temptation. while you are at home wear gloves. soft ones.
Here is an idea of what you can do to stop chewing your finger nails. You can paint your nails so this way you can't chew your nails.
There is a product on the market that you can buy that has an awful taste; you put the solution on your nails and it helps you to stop biting your nails. Because its nasty tasting. I have chewed mine for years. Try letting your mom give you fake nails then maybe you'll bite the fake nail instead of your own. Its a nervous habit though. Sometimes I notice I bite them when I'm stressing out or watching an exciting movie. Maybe subconsciously you can pay attention to when your doing it.... Good luck....
Apply hand lotion so you taste it and avoid biting your nails. Also keep your nails short until you break this habit or wear nail polish. Some people just have flexible nails. Here are some ways to get them into better shape.
I used to have soft, peeling nails so I stopped using a nail clipper and only use a nail file to shape and shorten them. I also started protecting my nails with thicker moisturizers.
I use a cuticle balm or nail oil to moisturize my nails and protect them from water since I wash my hands frequently.
(ex. Solar Oil, OPI Avoplex)
Vit E oil, jojoba oil, Aquaphor Healing Ointment, Vaseline or plain Chapstick will work too.
My little sister has this same problem so let me see if I can help. Get some fake plastic nails put on. I know it sounds silly put I know a grown woman who had the same problem with biting her nails and this stopped her. Painting your nails sounds like a good remedy but the temptation will still be there if it tastes ok. Get bad tasting nail polish (Iknow this sounds random but it's necessary). When you are at home or asleep put on gloves. This won't stop you from biting but it will keep your nails from being ruined. One more thing, when at home put hot sauce on your fingers and let it dry. The taste will be awful in your mouth (but just make sure you don't get it in your eyes...) hope this helps!
Always, always have a nail file on hand so when you feel a hitch or even the urge to nibble...file instead.
Polish your nails every 2 nights so they they'll look nice and fresh and you won't want to bite them.
Also, if you bite your cuticles or skin you'll have to stop that as well because one thing leads to another as you may already know!
put a rubber band around your wrist and whenever u want to chew ur nails snap the rubber band!! trust me it works
knock ur teeth out
self control
I used to have the same problem...then I started to paint my nails...and it worked...start off by painting them with a color that stands out so when you go to bite you will see the nail and take the hand takes a while but you'll eventually stop...
You could either put nail polish remover on them and do your nails a lot because you will not like the taste of nail remeover.....and you will not want to ruin you pretty nails! Also, one that might put a rubber band around your wrist and everytime you go to bite your nails you snap the rubber band against your it! Its an annoying feeling so after a while your brain will associate biting your nails with the pain of the rubber band being snapped agianst your wrist! GOOD LUCK!
Cover it with taste, or flavor you dislike
this is a tough one: I once stopped for three weeks only cause I was working in psychogeriatrics (mad old folk) and there was a lot of poo around! Try and imagine this beneath yr fingernails! Some say get an aloe vera plant and apply the sap of the leaf to your nails: its really bitter - but good for the nails. When you taste it you will stop biting.
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